Managing the impact of the Corona virus outbreak to Certification Bodies like ISOQAR Africa.

This Bulletin concerns UKAS accredited Certification Bodies like ISOQAR Africa with activities in regions affected by corona virus as a result of the fast-moving situation. It applies equally to bodies certifying management systems (ISO/IEC 17021-1).

You will be aware of the current situation regarding the escalating effects of the corona virus outbreak. In response UKAS has taken action that affects visits to affected regions (please see our article in the UKAS News section). As the picture develops, we expect that CB’s are also considering how to deal with any commitments that they have in affected areas while travel restrictions are in place.

CB’s should be aware of the UKAS Technical Policy Statement –TPS 62 – which sets out CB obligations when dealing with such situations. This TPS is based upon IAF Informative Document IAF ID 3 Management of Extraordinary Events or Circumstances Affecting AB’s, CAB’s and Certified Organizations, and CB’s should take this TPS into consideration when deciding on a risk-based strategy for undertaking activities for maintaining certification for management systems, products, processes, services and/or persons. This risk-based strategy should take account of industry/sector input and should be provided to the CB’s UKAS Assessment Manager at the earliest opportunity.

It is recognised that due to the travel restrictions and the self-quarantining of resources some operations are effectively closed but during this situation CB’s are requested to provide monthly updates to their UKAS Assessment Manager of the status of their affected operations.

As part of the normal assessment activities UKAS will assess the implementation and ongoing effectiveness of the management of any special arrangements.

Please note sector schemes may have additional requirements that must continue to be met.

TPS 62 Management of Extraordinary Events or Circumstances Affecting UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies and their Certified Organisations

Should you require any clarification on the subject covered by this bulletin, please contact; ISOQAR Africa offices

To download a PDF copy of this Technical Bulletin click here

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